Jumat, 31 Agustus 2018

Ubcoin Marketplace는 cryptocurrency에 대한 실제 제품을 사고 팔 수있는 세계적인 모바일 시장입니다.

Ubcoin Marketplace는 cryptocurrency에 대한 실제 제품을 사고 팔 수있는 세계적인 모바일 시장입니다. 
cryptocurrency 보유자의 수는 2020 년까지 현재 2200 만에서 20000000000로 거의 10 배 증가 할 것으로 예상됩니다. cryptocurrency 소유자가되는 가장 쉬운 방법은 암호 항목을 판매하는 것입니다.
cryptocurrency의 시가 총액은 약 4,000 억 달러입니다. 암호를 위해 실제 물건을 사면 그 부를 보낼 큰 수요가 있습니다. 온라인 구매 및 판매 활동의 거의 절반이 시장에서 일어나고 있으며, 2020 년까지 세계 스마트 폰 보급률이 세계 인구의 37 %에 이르면 곧 모바일 상거래가 웹 상거래를 능가하게 될 것입니다.
Ubcoin Market이란 무엇입니까?
Ubcoin은 사용자가 암호화 통화를 사용하여 다른 항목을 판매 및 구매할 수있는 즉,이 애플리케이션의 내부 토큰 인 UBC를 사용하여 모바일 앱을 개발하는 데 도움을줍니다. 사실 그것은 구매자와 판매자에게 편안한 조건을 제공하는 거래 플랫폼이 될 것입니다.
Ubcoin의 주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다.
  • 최소 중개자
    응용 프로그램의 도움으로, 판매 과정에 참여하는 참가자의 수는 최소화  
    많이  로  가능합니다. 이제이 프로세스는 스마트 계약의 조건에 따라 P2P가 발생합니다.
  • 법적 보안
    회사는 Ubcoin 시장에서 상품 및 서비스의 적법성에 대한 최대 조치를 취합니다. 판매자 프로파일 
    이 점검되고 잠재적 위반 사항은 제외됩니다.
  • 분산
    부록은 트랜잭션의 초기화, 완료 및 실행이 블록에 기록됨을 선언합니다. 이를 통해 
    필요한 모든 정보를 항상 사용할 수있게되며 매우 중요하게 아무도 변경할 수 없습니다  
  • 인터페이스
    이 인앱 부분은 세계 최고의 트렌드를 염두에두고 설계되었으며 
    판매자와 구매자 모두에게 가장 편리한 조건을 제공 하도록 설계되었습니다  앞으로 Ubcoin은 기존 Ubank  앱에  통합 될 것  입니다.
기술 계획
기술적 인 계획 Ubcoin 플랫폼은 토큰 화 된 크립토 통화 및 플랫폼 자체를 생성, 관리 및 운영하기위한 블록 체인 기술을 구현합니다.
Ubcoin Token
Token - UBC  
Private pre-seyel - 2018 년 3 월 10 일 - 3 월 31 일 (ETH 이상 5 인 이상 투자자 용)  
Token-Seleur - 4 월 2 일 - 2018 년 5 월 31 일  
토큰 가격 - 0,000089 ETH  
최소 비용은 2 000 ETH  
최대 금액 179,000 ETH  
토큰 생성 - 4 000 000 000 UBC
토큰 배포 :
  • 5 % - 개인 사전 판매
  • 45 % - ICO
  • 4 % - 현상금 및 고문 모음
  • 12 % - 팀 (토큰은 배포 날짜 이후 6 개월 동안 차단됩니다)
  • 31 % - 예비 기금
  • 3 % - 지역 사회 상
Uboke Token (블록 체인 Ethtereum에서 생성)은 Ubcoin 시장에서 사용되는 유일한 통화입니다. 이 플랫폼에는 다른 도구와 토큰이 모두 사용됩니다. 사용자 계정에서 이러한 토큰의 수에 따라 그는 모든 종류의 할인을 제공합니다. 토큰 가격을 강화하는 데 도움이되는 또 다른 솔루션이 구현됩니다. 즉, 플랫폼에서 모든 트랜잭션을 커미션의 5 %를 소모합니다.
예산 할당
현재 펀드 사용은 다음과 같습니다.

By :rizky02


Bitdepositary - an integrated payment solution to make your ICO investments safer

Foto Bitdepositary.

Bitdepositary is the first and largest generation of ICO Founding Community Q-ratio Market with integrated payment solutions to make your ICO investment safer! We function as mediators & payment platforms for project managers and a large community of investors.

In the BitDepositary room you will find TeamBit. This "organization" (not in the traditional sense) consists of a team of experts, community leaders, accountants, and legal advisors who serve the Bitdeposit investor community. Think of them as councils. The actions taken by TeamBit offer greater protection against fraud, theft, and wrong investment decisions. All for the purpose of giving birth to a market that gives you profitable and sustainable ICO projects.


There is no doubt that the highly executed ICO is still on the market. Maybe not all of them are fraudulent, but a large number of them fail to provide initial solutions or promises made to the crypto investor community. Not-
only that, but the majority of ICOs in the blockchain space focus on Communication (20.5%, in quantum> $ 2,008,000,000), Finance (15.5%, more than $ 1,512,000,000), and Trade & Investment (10.0%, more from $ 976,000,000 in 5 months 2018, according to CoinSchedule. While other industries receive little or no funding. To add more, 434 new companies earned $ 9.8 billion through initial coin offers in the same time period. How many expressed hope? That is a lot of crypto capital invested without knowing whether the investment is correct.

Prevent Token Theft
The world of cryptocurrency is a big gold fever, therefore triggering the emergence of wallet hackers on unsafe ICO platforms. Not only that, but cyber security violations and attacks occur regularly.

Identifying Fraud
Even the most promising ICO can be fraud. A recent study, based on publicly available sources and information, claims that nearly 80 percent of ICOs are fraudulent or fail to convey based on investor expectations.

Determining Wrong Decisions
There are no reliable criteria for reasonable ICO investment assessments, so we consider it appropriate to create space that helps you eliminate bad investment decisions.


How do we solve this problem?
So how can we help the next wave of $ 9.8 billion and investors? Or 434+ new companies raise funds, and make sure they deliver? We plan to offer startups in smaller industries that are "funded" as opportunities & get their ideas reviewed by TeamBit, experts, and the investor community itself. All while protecting the community and ensuring their funds are invested in the right project. When we think of ICOs that appear in the blockchain space, our role is one of crypto's world evaluations for the most useful, relevant and profitable ICO investments in the fields relevant to us, our users and investors as well as our partner lawyers, taxes consultants, and specialists to ensure proper regulation.

Our Solution to Token Theft

Every token sale goes through our system. Therefore, we reduce the risk of theft of tokens with certain security measures when configuring a special user account. This eliminates all possible imitations of identity and waivers that might occur in our market.

Guarantee of Fraud Protection

We can counteract fraud by our verification process which consists of lawyers, tax consultants, specialists, users *, and community users **, all joining before project acceptance. Each project leader must verify himself and his team before using our platform (KYC protocol for the team).

Prevention of Wrong Decision Making Processes

What you read, watch, and believe will have an impact not only on your benefits, but also on the pulse of your daily life. Therefore, we help users with little experience making better investment decisions with our open voting system for reasonable and safe ICOs.


How does Bitdepositary work? 


The project will not be accepted if the points depend below the 55% threshold.

Why do users or community users choose?
Users get their tokens (bounties) for free from the project owner, if the project succeeds in achieving softcap. Therefore, every company that presents its project must issue tokens to anyone who chooses to support or oppose the project using our system. Users receive tokens directly into their wallets and thus become customers. The more points a user has, the more tokens are obtained.



Integrated Payment Solution with a Credit Card
In an effort to simplify our operations, consolidate data, and improve customer service, we implement an integrated credit card payment system that increases profitability, reduces accounting errors, and increases payments for our users.

Users have the option to invest in various currencies in future projects
Combining various cryptocurrency together puts you in an excellent position for long-term returns and a strong portfolio. Take advantage of our community's perseverance and financial innovation expertise to easily invest up to 25 different currencies.

Multiwallet and tokens from successful ICOs are included
Our market offers a safe and lightweight multi-asset wallet for its users. You can exchange your coins in your wallet. We support currencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, and others to catch up soon.

Bitdepositary Credit Card

Direct investment in ICO uses our wallet solution
Our current centralized wallet solution makes it easier than ever for our users to buy tokens from ICO that are ongoing, upcoming, and complete, as long as they are supported by our law office and confirmed to be a good investment.

Based on Salesforce
Every successful project must have a functioning product. As a company, we have been able to attract more than 80,000 established customers from the insurance and financial sectors with our TGG Group and, as a result, win more than 10 million in customer data.

Cash withdrawals up to 10,000 EUr per day at a cost of 1.2%
At Bitdepositary, our goal is not to withdraw withdrawals. However, all coins have a network transfer fee. In connection with this, we will charge a small amount to ensure that these costs can be borne. The user's daily cash withdrawal limit is set for 10,000 euros per day, with a 1.2% flat service fee. Additional changes and fees may apply in the future.


Our token serves as a gift for users who decide to invest early in the project before being accepted into the community. Pre-investment
this can only be done with our BDT tokens. Therefore, BDT tokens are needed to get 25% more tokens in the ICO pre-investment
done through our market. If the project is aired, users can invest using other tokens outside the BDT token.




TGG Holding GmbH Established in Germany 
Job Development Salesforce specialists begin

Q3 - 2017
Financial Marketing GmbH Established in Germany 
Bitdepositary's business concept is realized 
Marketing Formulations and Team Programmers for Blockchain and Salesforce

Q4 - 2017
Discussion with Lawyers and Tax Consultants begins

Q1 - 2018
Formulation of a development team for Bitdepositary 
Financial License Conceptualization 
Programming work and the start of ICO planning

Q2 - 2018
The company name 'Bitdepositary' was created 
ICO programming is complete 
Bitdepositary was established in Malta

Q3 - 2018
Establishment of Bitdepositary Time = CEST
01.08.2018 3:00 CEST
START A Personal Pre-Sales ICO

15.08.2018 2:59 CEST
FINAL ICO Personal Pre-Sales

15.08.2018 3:00 CEST
Starts the ICO Open Pre Sale

29.08.2018 3:00 PM European Time
END ICO Open Pre Sale

05.09.2018 3:00 CEST
Starts Open Sales of ICO

14.11.2018 3:00 CEST

Q4 - 2018
launched BDT on different external exchange platforms launching Multi Wallet for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash and BDT with integrated crypto exchanges

Q1 - 2019
Bitdepositary Formation Closure - E-Money Lizenz Release Bitdepositary Application Stock Market Integration to sell and buy Integration of Fiat Currency Tokens or Coins (EUR, USD, GBP, GEL and RUB)

Q2 - 2019
Start Bitdepositary Investments Platform Credit Card Delivery.


As a leader is the heart of the organization, our essence is building a strong team

Founder and Executive

Technical Team

Our Adviser
In our diverse advisory team, each has unique expertise and special expertise, 
and we enjoy the competitive advantage that they place in supporting Bitdepositary.

For more information, please click below:


Kamis, 30 Agustus 2018

DECOIN: A 'chiad bhloc-chabhsair ann an àrdachadh iomlaid airson prothaid airson an ama ri teachd

Mu dheidhinn Àrd-chabhsair DECOIN

    Tha DECOIN na cho-aoisean stòr fosgailte gu eag-shiostam digiteach co-aoisean a tha a 'gabhail a-steach an airgid dhidseatach fèin-seilbh aige fhèin, an DECOIN (DTEP), air a stiùireadh le ionad Exchange & Trading (D-TEP) a tha a' toirt a-mach prothaidean gu luchd-gleidhidh DECOIN. A 'cur ri chèile protocol Blockchain a' dearbhadh a thaobh dearbhadh (POS), Trioblaid, Tèarainteachd aig ìre àrd agus 24 beò beò, tha DECOIN a 'leasachadh an àrd-ùrlar ath-ghinealach airson an saoghal a tha air a dhearbhadh.

    Tha DECOIN a 'leasachadh an àrd-ùrlar malairt ath ghinealach a bheir comas do leachdachd agus airgead a ghineadh dha luchd-tasgaidh agus companaidhean a tha air an malairt air an àrd-ùrlar againn.' S e companaidh eadar-nàiseanta a th 'ann anDECOIN. Le sgioba stiùiridh eòlach agus sgioba de na gnìomhachasan a 'stiùireadh proifeiseantaich air an sgioba comhairleachaidh againn.

A bhith mar "DE COIN of DE People" a 'togail àrd-ùrlar a bheir comas dha com-pàirtichean agus luchd-cleachdaidh frith-fhuaimneachadh a dhèanamh nas lugha de dh' eòlas malairt luath, tèarainte agus saor a tha a 'dèanamh malairt tlachdmhor agus sìtheil. Cuir sgioba taice dlùth ris a sin agus ga mheasgachadh le malairt shòisealta, an uairsin cuir a-mach e le roinn de bhuannachd agus tha Combo a bhuannaich agad.

Tha DECOIN ag amas air àrd-mhanaidsear malairt agus malairt cliùiteach, furasta-gnìomha furasta is sìmplidh a thogail, a tha a 'roinn prothaidean an iomlaid leis a h-uile neach-glèidhidh airgid aige. Mura dèan sin, tha ìre tèarainteachd àrda DECOIN a' gealltainn gu bheil luchd-cleachdaidh socair, fois agus eòlas earbsach gus gnothaichean coileanaidh a dhearbhadh. Chan eil teagamh sam bith gun toir iomlaid a 'roinn a cuid prothaidean fhèin leis na com-pàirtichean aige air an t-saoghal gu crìochan ùra! Air a bhith cinnteach, cuiridh sinn thairis air na crìochan sin cuideachd. 
Ma tha thu ag iarraidh malairt shòisealta, faodaidh tu leantainn ri gnìomhachd malairt 
ar luchd-malairt àrda Tha an àrd-ùrlar againn air a riaghladh gu tur làn-fhollaiseach agus follaiseach.

 Dìon  - a 'leantainn inbhean gnìomhachais ionmhasail, bidh D-TEP a' dìon gach dàta mothachail air a stòradh air an àrd-ùrlar aice. Tha dearbhadh làn-fhillte làn-ùine a 'gabhail a-steach an àrd-chabhsair malairt againn, a' dìon cheàrdan agus a 'toirt tarraing às an iomlaid, agus a' toirt seachad tèarainteachd as motha do ar luchd-cleachdaidh 

Scalable  - comasach air suas ri 1 millean geama gach aon a dhèanamh, a 'dèanamh D-TEP aon den fheadhainn as luaithe agus as giorra 
iomlaid sa mhargaidh an-diugh, comasach air dèiligeadh ris na tomhasan mòra de mhalairt a thathar an dùil. 

Goirid  - bidh D-TEP a 'cleachdadh teicneòlas ùr-ghnàthach a leigeas leinn òrdughan a cheannach / a reic gu luath - às aonais an lag a tha a' comharrachadh mòran de na h-iomlaidean a tha gnìomhach an-diugh. 

Malairt Shòisealta - luchd-malairt air thoiseach air D-TEP aig a bheil ùidh agus a 'toirt cead dha DECOINS na gnìomhan aca a leantainn 
agus a bhith air an taisbeanadh gun urra, a' leigeil le luchd-malairt eile ionnsachadh bhon eòlas agus an eòlas aca. 

Innealan Malairt  - tha D-TEP cuideachd a 'planadh air a bhith a' tabhann innealan ionmhasail leithid cùmhnant airson eadar-dhealachadh (CFDs), a 'leigeil le luchd-malairt buannachd fhaighinn bho phrìsean a' gluasad suas no prìsean a 'gluasad sìos air innealan ionmhasail bunasach.Bheir an sgioba de anailisichean aithisgean bho àm gu àm air gluasadan margaidh / ICOan ùra agus buinn dhidseatach a tha san amharc

Tha DECOIN na cho-shiostam co-aoisean stòr fosgailte gu co-shiostam digiteach co-aoisean stèidhichte air teicneòlas Blockchain, a tha a 'gabhail a-steach an t-airgead didseatach fèin-sheilbh aige fhèin, tha an DECOIN 

DECOIN air a stiùireadh le D-TEP, àrd-ùrlar malairt a tha a' toirt a-mach prothaid a gheibhear bho chìs air an àrd-ùrlar, 
air ais gu luchd-gleidhidh S an Iar- 

A 'GABHAILTEACHADH A' TAGHADH AIRSON BLIADHNAIL 6.2% AIRSON A H-UILEAS A 'CHAOINEACHADH - Tha an toradh bliadhnail na phàirt riatanach den teicneòlas a chuir sinn ris a' mhaoin. Chaidh an teicneòlas againn a leasachadh gus am bi an àireamh de DECOINs a chaidh a chruthachadh na àireamh stèidhichte. Le cuideachadh bhon 
algorithm co-aontachaidh againn le Dearbhadh-Obrach , faodaidh sinn na buannachdan sin a choileanadh. 

140 millean buinn @ MAXIMUM CAPACITY. 

Thèid 70 millean de na buinn a sgaoileadh.

Thèid 70 millean buinn a riarachadh agus a chleachdadh gus gealltanas a thoirt don tillidh bhliadhnail de 6.2% a tha air a ghealltainn dha luchd-glèidhidh DECOIN 
tro bhith a 'lorg nam buinn air an DECOIN brathar air-loidhne aca. Leigidh D-TEP an t-airgead DECOIN a mhalartachadh gu
foirmean eile de shiostaman didseatach. Bidh sinn cuideachd a 'planadh a bhith a' ceadachadh malairt Crypto-To-Fiat san àm ri teachd a bharrachd air  
luchd-seilbh na h-uile de dh 'airgead DECOIN a' faighinn lasachaidhean malairt air D-TEP.



Thèid 38% den airgead a chosg gus an àrd-ùrlar D-TEP a thogail, cosgaisean ceadachd, R & D, Ath-nuadhachadh, rèiteachaidhean. 
● Thèid 25% a chleachdadh airson an obair againn a ruith gu rèidh, a 'gabhail a-steach fastadh sgioba reic agus gèillidh, trèanadh 
● 20% Thèid a chleachdadh airson branda agus margaideachd D-TEP, a' toirt a-steach brosnachadh leantainneach agus foghlam àrd-ùrlar D-TEP agus DECOIN, innleachdan , buidseat airson diofar thachartasan sanasachd. 
• Thèid 17% a chumail anns an Lòchran Lùthsachd gus frithealadh airson amannan de shuidheachadh ris nach robh dùil a dh'fhaodadh èirigh.

Is e prìomh bhun-bheachd den DECOIN an eaconamaidh roinnte againn. Tha sinn air ar dìcheall a thoirt air ais do luchd-seilbh nam bonn suas gu 60% de na prothaidean againn air ar iomlaid. 
Bidh sinn a 'tabhann ceithir seòrsaichean toraidh: 

1) A' roinneadh prothaid - ceudad de roinn a 'phrothaid air a chruthachadh air D-TEP. Sgaoil DECOIN suas gu 60% de na prothaidean air D-TEP, mar a leanas: 
- 1mh bliadhna de ghnìomhachd Suas gu 40% 
- 2na bliadhna de ghnìomhachd Suas gu 50% 
- 3mh bliadhna de ghnìomhachd Suas gu 60% 

Thèid na prothaidean a sgaoileadh pro rata eadar neach-glèidhidh DECOIN ann an dàimh dìreach ris na tacan aca 
2) Dearbhadh a 'Chùis (POS) - Coileanaidh gach neach DECOIN ìre de 6.2% de dh'fhàs gach bliadhna airson a bhith a' stòradh nam buinn anns an làrach-lìn DECOIN aca
3) Cìs Malairt air a thoirt air falbh - airson gach neach den chìs DeCOIN a tha air a leigeil sìos le 40% ma tha buinn airgid DECOIN agad agus ma tha thu airson an cleachdadh mar dhòigh pàighidh cìsean (0.15% cìs an àite 0.25%) 
4) Cruthachadh Luach - Àrdachadh a dh'fhaodadh a bhith ann an DECOIN luach an dèidh briseadh an ecosystem aon-de-aon-seòrsa DECOIN. 

Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, cliog air a 'cheangal gu h-ìosal:
Làrach-lìn:  https://www.decoin.io/

Whitepapper:  https://www.decoin.io/Decoin-WhitePaper-v1.81-28.03-en.pdf

ANN / snàithlean bounty:   https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3311816.0

Facebook:  Cliog an seo

Twitter:  Cliog an seo

Telegram:  Thig còmhla an seo 
